Friday, December 20, 2019

What Happened at the Riverfront Meeting Dec 19?

The Riverfront Board held a meeting on Thursday, Dec 19, 2019 at 1pm

[For a link to the video recording, scroll down to the end]

In attendance were:
Board Member and President, Troy Taylor (Mint rep)
VP, Shahab Karmely (developer of 3 lots)
Board Member, Christine Michaels (Ivy rep)

Not in attendance:
Board Member, Maria Elena Negrin (Wind rep)

Also in attendance was Gary Mars, Attorney for the Riverfront Master
Vincent Flor, Attorney for the Ivy Association

Property Manager Allan Yepez opened the meeting and read the minutes for the last 3 board meetings
August, September and November 26, 2019.

Troy Taylor began with an introduction of the areas covered by the master and those who serve the Association. The Board of Directors is a volunteer  position. He also shared there are others involved including an Architectural Review Board that "serves at the pleasure of the developer". When asked who serves on the board Taylor answered that he and the developer Shahab Karmely and an outside architect.

A unit owner asked the question for clarification, that if  as  a volunteer position if that means a board member does not receive any income or payments. Troy Taylor confirmed that is the case.


Troy Taylor stated the 2020 Budget was passed with various meetings with board members.  Ivy Rep Christine Michaels added there was never a single board meeting to discuss the budget from the time it was issued to the time it was passed.

Much of the discussion focused on the budget and the budget process.
The Board recognized unit owners to answer their questions.
Ivy rep Christine Michaels summarized concerns for the Ivy membership in referencing a handout that was distributed, listing over $200K in unexplained overages and allowances.

Troy Taylor indicated he was not familiar with the precise numbers in the budget and that anyone should consult with property manager Allan Yepez. Shahab Karmely further added he would welcome a proposal from unit owners. Christine Michaels added that the Ivy Association had followed both courses of action. They had consulted with Allan Yepez in an open meeting with Ivy Board and unit owners November 12. They had a proposal. For questions that Allan could not answer they were directed to ask Troy Taylor and the Riverfront Board.  Christine reminded fellow board members that she requested a board meeting  more than once to ask further questions.  The budget was passed November 26 without a discussion.

Gary Mars, attorney for the Riverfront Board stated he had advised the board the budget process could have been better.


Ivy rep Christine Michaels made a motion detailing the creation of a budget committee and various steps for requiring competitive bidding and a deadline for such bidding; a budget workshop, a fixed percentage cap on overages; to allow each board director to address the board at budget meeting before a vote to approve and disapprove the budget.

Attorney Gary Mars stated that the motion was not appropriate for this meeting and agenda.


The meeting concluded with the recommendation that the  Ivy rep and unit owners would meet for a second time with Allan Yepez and submit a proposal to the Riverfront Board to consider adjustments to the budget.

Time did not permit to discuss other agenda items- homeless situation, security, marina, children's park update.

The meeting was scheduled from 1pm-3pm but as Shahab Karmely had to leave early, the meeting concluded at around 2:20pm.

Here is a link to the video recording of the meeting.
(Note: We apologize we did not have a tripod at the time and the volunteer resident who was hand holding the recorder for the first part, later in the meeting she set the camera on a chair and it tilted. While you can not see the board members, you can still hear the meeting)

First few minutes were to approve the minutes of prior meetings

19:45--Discussion about the Architectural Review Board that decides on the "standards" of the community with regard to signage. Unit owner ask who is on this board. Troy Taylor explains it consists of 3 people.  The Declarant (the developer), Mr. Troy Taylor, and an architect who is not a unit owner). Per Mr. Taylor, The ARB "serves at the pleasure of the Declarant". 

24:35 unit owner asked if the Board positions were paid positions. Troy Taylor stated it is a volunteer position; Shahab Karmley stated no one gets paid for their time.

28:45 discussion begins on the Master budget

31:25 [Camera is moved. While viewers can not see board members it is still audible]

32:50  Ivy Rep shares Ivy Unit owners did read and study the Master budget and many had questions; She was unable to ask any questions as requests to hold a meeting and discussion with the board were refused by President Troy Taylor.

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