Sunday, February 28, 2021

Troy Taylor Resumes Marina Scheme

Yachts have now reappeared at the private boat dock for the Riverfront condos. Do they belong to Riverfront owners? NO.

Per the Riverfront Master Association agreement with State of Florida, Miami Dade County and other government entities, the private docks are meant only for Riverfront residents.

Owners learned on February 25 and 26, that the owner of the Tatami yacht parked at our private docking was not an owner or resident at the Riverfront Association (proof obtained with two recordings) and renting the marina slip. Where's the money going? We know it's not going back to the association.

Per the Restrictive Covenant with Miami Dade County, SIGNED BY TROY TAYLOR, President of the Riverfront Master Association, May 2018:

7. The owner agrees and covenants that commercial powerboats at prohibited at the Property and that the powerboats allowed at the property shall be (a) registered with the State of Florida to the owner of the property, or (b) registered with the State of Florida to a resident of the property who resides at the property. Any powerboat which does not comply with the above shall not be allowed at the property. 

"We paid $300k to build out that marina, yet we can not even use it!" residents exclaim in unison.  "Troy Taylor is renting our marina slip to outsiders for thousands of dollars. Who's pocketing that money? It's definitely not the association". 

"I have a boat. I was waiting for announcement on a fair process,  like an auction to see if I can get one of the two boat slips. That was three years ago. It never happened. Owners were never advised. We just learned one day they were assigned by the President of the Board and Developer to themselves." says another owner.

And the President of the Master and developer Shahab Karmely who are on the Master board have a lease for the marina WITH NO EXPIRATION DATE. An evergreen contract.  

The Reflections yacht which appeared earlier in the month, is listed for rent for $8,500 a night. 

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